Friday, July 23, 2010

kirtsy / Upcoming

kirtsy / Upcoming

Groupon Clone by Sacom Group

script is ready for

the buyers....

SACOM group

has made

with exact

features and functionality.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

payhundi-pioneer avic series

i recently purchased a pioneer avic f700bt system.but i got mad when i saw that its DVD system and navigation setup cant be run together while in motion/driving.than my friend told me to purchase its manual to unlock or bypass this pioneer thing..
i asked many companies but the price o my GOD 150 to 500 us i tried many things but could not by pass the code.
i also met some people who has the same issue in different pioneer avic series like AVIC F700BT F90BT F900BT D1 D2 D3 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 Z1 Z2 Z3 etc... they also said that its solution is bit expensive as my avic f700 system.
than i found this website avic series
when i read there first paragraph..its such a relief for people like me.. they are giving all pioneer avic series bypass code with ford key code as well...
guess what the price is in just 9.99 $...
i ordered them and it was sent to me within 24 hours...this is excellent and the most efficient and most importantly it is the simplest bypass can do the whole process by yourself in 30 minutes of time..
if you have a better suggestion please tell me..i want to try all...
after purchasing from this site i am so glad that i just cant help it to tell the other user who also want to have this best unlock guide for their pioneer systems...
oh i forgot to tell you one more thing they also gave ford unlock key codes as well
so have fun and if you have the alternate solution fo that do let me know about that..
mathis alias